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Legacy:UT3 Whats New, Whats Not

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Directories (Windows)[edit]

UT3's directory structure is somewhat different from previous versions.

Whats Different[edit]

  • All user files are stored in MyDocuments (C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\) This includes all custom made maps, source code, profile data etc..
  • There is no longer an UnrealEd.exe, instead you run "UT3.exe editor"

To ease the use of testing maps create two shortcuts:

  1. "UT3.exe Editor -useunpublished"
  2. "UT3.exe -useunpublished"

The first will run the Editor using the files in the UnPublished folder. The second will run the game using the files in the UnPublished folder.

This is useful as you do not have to corrupt you game content folders with work in progress until you are finished. This will become very useful once you have published a version of the map and are working on an updated one. In this way you can still enjoy your map online and also be able to improve you map when you are not.


There is a small bug that appears if you minimize the window with the generic browser open. When you switch back to the editor only the generic browser will come back and once you close it the editor will not be there. That is ok as the editor is still minimized. When we bring it up again it comes back, but the generic browser still appears to be open, but can not be selected or closed. The bug here is that the screen is not being refreshed properly, so we just simply need to reopen the generic browser and close it again.

Those were all the differences you could find?

Maybe you were not as familiar with the old version as you might think?

When starting a new map, you can now also make a "additive" map.

Static meshes requires you to make a collision map.

The Actor Classes are somewhat differently organized.

You need to create materials for your textures.

You "cook" your map before you publish it.

The terrain editing is changed greatly,

I suppose there is more, but I haven't gotten that far yet. ^^